TECHNOLOGYINNOVATIONAPPLICATIONOur mission is to add value to assets by application of advanced technology
The key to everything isDETERMINATIONand endeavour
Who we are
Our Vision & Founding Principles
About Us
Boudicca-EP is a team of highly motivated and experienced Oil and Gas Professionals, dedicated to bringing to market, new and previously overlooked Oil and Gas reserves residing in complex Geological Structures.
We accomplish this through a combination of our own unique hardware, the application of our specialist propriety software and Skilled Interpretation of Geophysical and Geological Data.
This leads to accurate and low risk drilling of the structure with our state of the art directional drilling platform in both the Land and Marine environments.
Our Mission statement.
- Boudicca Exploration and Production Limited’ s mission is to add value to assets by application of advanced technology.
- The drive for cost effective yet efficient and highly productive operations is the basis for applied technology in Development to bring otherwise expensive or even inaccessible resources to Production. This approach will be enabled by encouraging highly motivated personnel with high skill levels to be key team players within the company.
Company Strategy
- 1 Emphasise Value.
- BEPL will differentiate themselves from other E&P companies. We will establish our business offering as a clear and viable alternative when adding value to buried hydrocarbon assets and the extraction of.
- 2 Build a Relationship-Oriented Business
- Build long-term relationships with Government agencies, and with other E&P companies. Frequent, not just an occasional visit, to keep BEPL profile high. Let them become dependent and thus understanding of BEPL technology to help out in many situations. Open, transparent communications will help Partners understand the value of the relationship.
- 3 Focus on Target Properties
- We need to focus our resources on the prime prospects, and assign key personnel to evaluate these, to ensure BEPL efforts are maximized for returns in costs, energy and effort.
- 4 Differentiate and Fulfil the Promise
- We can’t just promise, we must actually deliver as well. Hard work alone does not achieve goals, focused resources, intelligent planning and cooperative teamwork are all critical to successful implementation of a technology driven Exploration and Development company.
Our Aims.
- To arrest, slow or reverse production decline in mature fields
- To utilize modern technology to locate new fields
- To maximize efficiency and minimize costs and risk exposure by exploiting modern techniques and innovative engineering
- To maximize local content and skills transfer with greater local economy integration for mutual host country and company benefit
What we do
Our Areas of Expertise
Oil Recovery
Transitions Zone

African Focus
Blue is basement, red sediments. Tectonic activity in and around Africa have provided some excellent sedimentary basins, some of which have proved to be prolific oil and gas producers.

Shallows make multiple streamer operations ineffective close inshore- BEPL utilises autonomous recorders, for full azimuth long offset high fold multi-component data to marry near offshore and onshore via the intertidal zone.

Vehicles, linked by satellite for 24/7 monitoring. Reliable production, continuous QHSSE.